Hi, my name is


I build software and design systems.

A constantly learning engineer. I write software that prioritizes maintainability and TDD. I dabble in DevOps and game development.

About Me

I am a software engineer with a constant desire to learn and push my boundaries. I have a background in computer science, with an emphasis on software engineering, and I have an interest in game development (particularly procedurally generated content) and the principles of DevOps. I am currently working at Kochava as a senior software engineer.

I am currently working on a project to automate compliance with GDPR and CCPA.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Go / Golang
  • PHP
  • MySQL / MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Kubernetes
  • Pub/Sub
  • Kafka
  • Vue.js
  • Google BigQuery
  • NoSQL Databases


Senior Software Engineer - Kochava
Nov 2022 - present

I am currently working as a senior software engineer on the Product team at Kochava. My current project is automating compliance with GDPR and CCPA.

The only reason for this title change is a re-org of the engineering teams and the application of an official career ladder. My responsibilities did not change much between this position and my time as Lead Software Engineer.

My primary responsibilities include:

  • Critical-priority work
  • Onboarding new hires and interns
  • Mentoring junior team members
  • Designing and writing primarily customer-facing systems and projects
  • Writing documentation for legacy systems to prevent tribal knowledge
  • Holding team members and other teams accountable to follow documentation standards
Lead Software Engineer - Kochava
July 2020 - Nov 2022

I was a Lead Software Engineer on the Solutions & Integrations team. My primary responsibilities included:

  • Critical-priority work
  • Onboarding new hires and interns
  • Mentoring junior team members
  • Designing and writing primarily customer-facing systems and projects.
  • Setting and enforcing code standards and best practices in code reviews
  • Working with other engineering teams to develop documentation standards
Senior Software Engineer - Kochava
July 2019 - July 2020

My primary responsibility as a Senior Software Engineer on the Solutions & Integrations team was to tackle the highest priority tasks from our client success team and integrations team and mentor junior members of the team. I assisted with onboarding, but was not a driving force of the onboarding schedule. Some of the things I worked on were:

  • Data pipelines
  • ETL processes
  • CLI / Internal tools to handle oncall situations
Software Engineer - Kochava
April 2017 - July 2019
As a software engineer, my primary responsibilities were handling tickets that were assigned to me or I deemed were within (or near enough) my ability to solve. These tickets primarily came from our client success team and were things broken or missing from our products. I dove into


2012 - 2017
Bachelolor of Science in Computer Science
Eastern Washington University

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you.