
Roguelike Tutorial - The …

Inspiration I’ve always had an interest in text-based games. It’s always felt like these games needed to be much more engaging than their graphically-gifted counterparts because there were fewer pretty things to look at. They had to engage your imagination, or at least your interest, to such an …

Comment policy

Welcome to my simple little site. The posts I make here will contain code, links to code, and thoughts about code and technology. I’m not omniscient and I certainly am not an expert in any field, so I’ve enabled comments on my posts to let any readers comment on the posts to provide …

And so it begins...

The beginning This is the begining of what I’m striving to continue running for quite some time. My initial reason for starting this was to hopefully get more interest from potential employers. After thinking about it some, I want to make it something more. I want this to be a place for …