Comment policy

| Jan 24, 2023 min read

Welcome to my simple little site. The posts I make here will contain code, links to code, and thoughts about code and technology. I’m not omniscient and I certainly am not an expert in any field, so I’ve enabled comments on my posts to let any readers comment on the posts to provide corrections or findings of their own. The best environment for working in tech is a learning-friendly environment, I’ve found. To that end, I’d like to keep the comments on this site troll, spam, and abuse free. I want to foster learning and conversation. Please stick to the following guidelines:

  • Be polite - respect others and follow the “Golden Rule”. There are people on the other side of the screen, and what is said here can affect them.

  • Don’t troll - I welcome criticisms of my thoughts, opinions, and code but if your comments are inflammatory, add no value to the ongoing discussion, or are insulting will be deleted without exception.

  • Don’t spam - I don’t expect this site to generate much traffic, so there’s not really much point to spam my posts. Any comments deemed to be spam will be deleted without exception.

To summarize: don’t be a jerk. This is a personal site, and is unaffiliated with any organization, company, or group. I really don’t want to remove comments from my posts, but I am willing to go that far. Don’t ruin it for others who might actually want to participate in a discussion.

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